
Abdominoplasty in Izmir, Turkey: Redefine Your Core: Abdominoplasty in Izmir, Turkey to Unleash Your Inner Strength.

Home / Abdominoplasty

Operation Duration

1-2 Hours

Hospital Stay

2 Nights

Total Stay

7 Days



Approximate Recovery

4-8 Weeks

For More Information

Reclaim Your Confidence: Abdominoplasty with Eldi Health

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region. At Eldi Health, our expert surgeons help you achieve a flatter, firmer abdomen that aligns with your body’s natural contours.

Why Choose Eldi Health for Abdominoplasty

Board-Certified Surgeons: Our experienced surgeons are committed to excellence in abdominoplasty.

Personalized Approach: Every treatment plan is carefully tailored to suit individual body types and goals.

Modern Techniques: Utilizing the latest technologies and techniques for a smoother recovery and optimal results.

Affordable Excellence: We deliver the highest standard of care without compromising affordability.

The Abdominoplasty Procedure

Consultation: We conduct a comprehensive assessment to discuss your goals and prepare a customized surgical plan.

Preparation: Our team guides you through the necessary pre-surgical preparation.

Surgery: Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes 2-3 hours.

Recovery: Expect detailed post-operative care instructions and close follow-ups to ensure a successful recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Candidates include those with loose or sagging abdominal skin and muscles, often after pregnancy or significant weight loss.

Recovery typically takes several weeks, with gradual improvement and return to normal activities.

Scars are generally hidden below the bikini line and fade significantly over time.

A firmer, flatter abdomen that enhances your overall figure.

Abdominoplasty is a well-established procedure, and risks are minimized when performed by qualified surgeons like those at Eldi Health.

Rediscover Yourself with Eldi Health

Abdominoplasty at Eldi Health is more than a surgical procedure; it’s an opportunity to embrace a new you. Let our dedicated team guide you through this transformative journey, helping you achieve a body that reflects your inner vitality and confidence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you rediscover yourself.