Our Packages

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At Eldi Health, we understand that every individual’s needs and preferences are unique, which is why we have carefully curated three distinct packages to suit various requirements and budgets. Ranging from our Basic Package that covers essential hair transplant services to the Premium Package offering a more luxurious experience, each option is meticulously designed to provide quality care, effective treatment, and comprehensive support. With the assurance of a 5-year guarantee and 1-year aftercare, our packages are tailored to provide an all-encompassing solution for your hair restoration journey in Izmir, Turkey.

Our Normal and Premium Packages take your experience a step further, adding conveniences such as VIP transfers and comfortable 3-night hotel accommodations, allowing you to recover in utmost comfort. The Premium Package also includes exclusive excursion tours, letting you explore the beautiful city of Izmir, blending medical excellence with a touch of tourism. Whether you opt for the focused approach of the Basic Package or indulge in the additional amenities of our Premium offerings, you can rest assured that Eldi Health’s commitment to superior service and satisfaction remains unwavering across all levels. Explore our packages today and find the perfect fit for your hair transplant needs.

Choose Your Care Package

Tailored to Your Needs


  • Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
  • 1 session of Treatment
  • Pre op test
  • Post op medications
  • 1 month shampoo supply
  • 1 year aftercare
  • 5 years guarantee


  • Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
  • 1 session of Treatment
  • Pre op test
  • Post op medications
  • 1 month shampoo supply
  • 1 year aftercare
  • 5 years guarantee
  • VIP Transfer **
  • Hotel accommodation (3 nights) **


  • Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
  • 1 session of Treatment
  • Pre op test
  • Post op medications
  • 1 month shampoo supply
  • 1 year aftercare
  • 5 years guarantee
  • VIP Transfer **
  • Hotel accommodation (3 nights) **
  • Excursion tours ***